As you all know, once the exam is over, then only cut-off will be released by SSC. Until then, we are providing you with the previous cut-off so that you will get an idea. This question must be ringing in all aspirants' mind as in how much can be the cut-off this time? But, according to previous year cut-off, all SSC CHSL candidates can start their preparation.
SSC CHSL 2025 Tier 1 Expected Cut-offs
Category | SSC CHSL Cut- off marks |
General | 159.52440 |
SC | 136.10355 |
ST | 127.32836 |
OBC | 156.10198 |
EWS | 149.98152 |
ESM | 87.32036 |
OH | 124.36599 |
HH | 81.08020 |
VH | 123.78857 |
Other PwD | 74.32943 |
NOTE: The above mentioned are expected cutoffs on the basis of previous year cutoffs. The actual cutoffs will be updated after the declaration of the exam results.
SSC CHSL Tier 1 Cut-off (Previous Year)
Category | Cut-off Marks | Candidates available |
General | 157.72984 | 5496* |
SC | 135.46972 | 7414 |
ST | 125.79702 | 3189 |
OBC | 153.25024 | 12960 |
EWS | 151.02975 | 7132 |
ESM | 97.98679 | 2247 |
OH | 122.72118 | 729 |
HH | 86.70978 | 455 |
VH | 138.31927 | 347 |
PwD-Other | 83.24763 | 255 |
Total | - | 40224 |
SSC CHSL Tier-1 Cut Offs
Category | Revised Cut-off Marks | Candidates Available |
UR | 141.88710 | 8118* |
SC | 114.16235 | 8696 |
ST | 108.88518 | 3493 |
OBC | 139.42190 | 10921 |
EWS | 117.59855 | 8302 |
ESM | 72.06370 | 3750 |
OH | 106.37481 | 579 |
HH | 63.80870 | 572 |
VH | 93.81684 | 636 |
PwD- Other | 51.12050 | 413 |
Total | -- | 45480 |
*In addition to the UR candidates mentioned above 1195 SC, 372 ST, 9225 OBC, 2773 EWS, 15ESM, 49 OH, 01 HH, 60 VH and 03 PWD-Other candidates are qualifying at UR cut-off.