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RRB Group D Mock Test 2025

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RRB/RRC Group D Test Series

RRB/RRC Group D - 1

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 90 Mins


RRB/RRC Group D - 2

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 90 Mins

RRB/RRC Group D - 3

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 90 Mins

RRB/RRC Group D - 4

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 90 Mins

RRB/RRC Group D - 5

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 90 Mins

RRB/RRC Group D - 6

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 90 Mins

RRB/RRC Group D - 7

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 90 Mins

RRB/RRC Group D - 8

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 90 Mins

RRB/RRC Group D - 9

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 90 Mins

RRB/RRC Group D - 10

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 90 Mins

RRB/RRC Group D - 11

Total Marks: 100

Total Questions: 100

Total Time: 90 Mins

RRB Group D - Mini Mocks Test Series

RRB Group D Quant 01

Total Marks: 15

Total Questions: 15

Total Time: 10 Mins


RRB Group D Reasoning 01

Total Marks: 15

Total Questions: 15

Total Time: 10 Mins


RRB Group D English 01

Total Marks: 15

Total Questions: 15

Total Time: 10 Mins


RRB Group D Quant 02

Total Marks: 15

Total Questions: 15

Total Time: 10 Mins


RRB Group D Reasoning 02

Total Marks: 15

Total Questions: 15

Total Time: 10 Mins


RRB Group D English 02

Total Marks: 15

Total Questions: 15

Total Time: 10 Mins


Why buy RRB Group D 2025 Package?

Detailed Solutions

Elaborate solutions to every question help you understand your mistakes and in improving your future performance.

Latest Pattern Tests

All the tests are based on the latest pattern and have top quality content.

All India Ranking and Personalised Analytics

Comparison with thousands of test takers all over the country gives you a better idea about your preparation and progress.

Pricing Plan

Flexible pricing options for all the aspirants
RRB Group D

₹ 199

30th April, 2023
  • 10 Mock tests

RRB Group D Mock Test 2025

PracticeMock provides a one-stop platform for complete RRB Group D 2025 preparation. We offer full-length RRB Group D mock tests 2025 for comprehensive practice sessions, along with topic tests. Our RRB Group D Mock Test is designed in such a way that it will mimic the real exam conditions, giving candidates a real feel of the exam and helping the candidate to manage time & speed together effectively. By solving full-length RRB Group D Mock Test mock tests and topic tests the candidates can enhance their skills and boost their confidence. Our Mock Tests are crafted by section experts & are aligned with the latest exam pattern and syllabus. PracticeMock always ensures that the candidates are fully equipped to tackle the RRB Group D 2025 exam. Let's dive into our RRB Group D Mock Test 2025 and level up your preparation with confidence.

Free RRB Group D Mock Test 2025 

With its FREE RRB Group D  Mock Test, PracticeMock provides candidates with a special chance to get ready for the RRB Group D test series. Since the initial practice test is free, applicants should make the most of this chance to evaluate their level of readiness and acquaint themselves with the format, style, and complexity of the test. Aspirants can assess their areas of strength and weakness, pinpoint areas in need of improvement, and polish their exam-taking techniques with PracticeMock's extensive mock examination.

RRB Group D Exam Mock Test 2025

1st Mock Test Free For RRB Group D Exam 2025 

10 Mock Test For RRB Group D Exam 2025 

Total Marks: 100

Total Time: 90 minutes

Total Questions: 100

02 RRB Group D Quantitative Mini Mock Test (Free)

02 RRB Group D Reasoning Mini Mock Test (Free)

02 RRB Group D English Mini Mock Test (Free)

Why Take PracticeMock Test Series?

  • PracticeMock's RRB Group D test series provides a real exam environment.
  • This test series will help you familiarize yourself with the latest exam patterns and types of questions.
  • Test series questions are designed based on the previous exams by which you will be able to know the difficulty level of the exam.
  • Practicing these tests will help you in increasing your preparation level.
  • After performing the mock test, you will get a detailed performance report.
  • Mock tests are performed as the best tool for revision purposes.

Mistakes to Avoid During Taking Mock Test

  • Focus on time management when you practice the mock test.
  • Make sure that you have sufficient time when you take the mock test.
  • Move on to the next question, if one is taking too much time.
  • Don't forget to analyze your performance after taking the mock test.

Benefits Of RRB Group D Mock Test 2025

Recognizing the structure of the exam: Mock exams replicate the format, amount of questions, sections, and marking scheme of the actual exam.

Evaluating the degree of readiness: Taking lengthy exams on a regular basis will help you gauge your level of preparation and how much of the subject you have covered.

Finding your weak points: Examine the answers after every test to identify the areas you need to concentrate on and rewrite more on.

Increasing efficiency: Working within the time restriction during practice will enable you to complete tasks more quickly and precisely, which will be crucial in the real exam.

lowering the stress associated with exams: Your confidence for the real exam increases when you become accustomed to the format and kinds of questions on practice exams.

Establishing performance benchmarks: By highlighting your strengths and shortcomings on practice exams, you may concentrate on your areas that still require work.

Having many questions will be challenging for you: By exposing you to questions of various levels of complexity, mock tests help you become ready for the actual exam.

Practice at a reduced cost: When compared to other exam series or coaching possibilities, online mock tests provide beneficial experience at a reduced cost.

Steps To Attempts For RRB Group D Mock Test 2025

Follow these steps to access the RRB Group D mock test 2025:

Step 1: Go to the PracticeMock official website at

Step 2: Do Sign up or register for an account by providing mail id & password.

Step 3: Click on "RRB Group D" Mock Test.

Step 4: Choose "RRB Group D Mock Test " from the available Mock Test.

Step 5: Initiate the "RRB Group D Mock Test" by clicking on Particular Mock Test'.

Step 6: Once RRB Group D Mock Test is completed click on submit button, the results will be instantly displayed on the screen.

Step 7: Review the score, analyze your performance on RRB Group D Mock Test and track the level of the preparation & improve it.

RRB Group D Exam Overview

Name of the OrganizationRailway Recruitment Board
Job TypeGovt Job
Job RoleTrack Maintainer Grade-IV, Helper/Assistant, Assistant Points man, Level-1 posts 
Job LocationAcross India
Qualification for RRB Group D Level-112th (+2 Stage) / Any Graduates
RRB Group-D Age Limit18 to 30 Years / 18 to 33 Years 
Selection for RRB Group D Level-1

Computer Based Test (CBT 1 & CBT 2) 

Physical Efficiency Test (PET) 

Document Verification and Medical

RRB Group D Exam Pattern 2025

Stages of Exam: The RRB Group D exam is conducted in two stages of CBT. The updated exam pattern for the RRB Group D Exam is given below.

CBT Stage-1

SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
General Science252590 mins
General Intelligence and Reasoning3030
General Awareness and Current Affairs2020

Note: There will be negative marking and 1/3 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.

CBT Stage 2

1. Syllabus: 10th Standard, same as (CBT-1)

2. Distribution of Questions

Name of the SectionNumber of QuestionsMarks AllottedTime Duration
General Science303090 Minutes
General Intelligence and Reasoning3535

General Awareness

and Current Affairs


Shortlisting of Candidates for CBT-2: Fifteen (15) times of the notified vacancies. 

Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

Based on the merit of the candidates in the CBT, candidates shall be called for PET. Three times the community wise total vacancy of the Posts notified against RRBs/RRCs. Passing Physical Efficiency Test (PET) is mandatory, and the same will be qualifying in nature. The criterion for PET is as under:

Male CandidatesFemale Candidates
Should be able to lift and carry 35 Kg of weight for a distance of 100 meters in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down, and should be able to run for a distance of 1000 meters in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in one chance.Should be able to lift and carry 20 Kg of weight for a distance of 100 meters in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down, and should be able to run for a distance of 1000 meters in 5 minutes and 40 seconds in one chance.

Document Verification

Based on the performance of candidates in CBT 2 subject to their qualifying in PET, the number of candidates to be called for Document Verification(DV) shall henceforth be equal to the number of notified vacancies.

RRB Group D Mock Test FAQs

I have completed a RRB Group D Mock Test 2025. When will I get my score?

On submission of your RRB Group D Mock Test, your score and All-India rank would be immediately generated. The All India ranking is dynamic in nature and it would change as more users attempt that mock test.

Can I attempt a test more than once? +

A test can be attempted only once. However, you can review the solutions and analysis of the attempted tests as many times as you want.

What happens if I get disconnected during a test? +

If you get disconnected while attempting a test, all your data till the disconnection will get saved and you will be able to resume from the same state later. You are advised to close the test window in this case and resume when you have connectivity again.

In what all languages RRB Group D Mock Test are available? +

RRB Group D Mock Test are provided either in English or in both English and Hindi. For a particular test, you may check the languages it is available in while purchasing the package.

How can an RRB Group D mock test help me? +

Our mock tests are designed by our subject matter experts that mimic the real exam.

How many times can I attempt the free RRB Group D mock test? +

You can attempt the free RRB Group D mock test multiple times.

Do RRB Group D Free Mock Tests contain detailed solutions? +

Yes, the RRB Group D Free Mock Tests contain detailed solutions.

Is RRB Group D easy or difficult? +

The RRB Group D exam is easy to moderate.

What is the stage of RRB Group D exam? +

The RRB Group D exam includes stages such as the Computer-Based Test (CBT), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), and Document Verification.

How to take a mock test online? +

You can take a mock test via your mobile phone, laptop, desktop, etc.

Will I get an analysis report for the RRB Group D mock test attempted? +

Yes, once you submit the RRB Group D mock test, you will get your analysis report.

Can I attempt the RRB Group D mock test online? +

Yes, you can attempt the RRB Group D mock test online.

Are solutions available for the questions asked in the RRB Group D Mock Test? +

Yes, a detailed solution will be provided after submitting the test.

How many RRB Group D mock tests should I take? +

You must take at least 2-3 RRB Group D mock tests in a week.

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